DataHen Platform
The DataHen Platform is a self-service platform for your team to easily code, scale and maintain web scrapers and data collection processes.
Instead of building your own web scraping and data infrastructure from scratch, using DataHen platform allows you to focus on your core offering by taking advantage of the scalability and maintainability of web scrapers and data processes that are running on the DataHen platform.
Getting Started
In this getting started section, we will get you started with installing the necessary requirements, and then deploying and running an existing scraper into DataHen. Currently we support ruby 2.6.5, 2.7.2, 3.0.1, 3.0.7, 3.1.5, 3.2.4 and 3.3.1.
Install DataHen Command Line Interface using rubygems
$ gem install datahen
Successfully installed datahen-0.2.3
Parsing documentation for datahen-0.2.3
Done installing documentation for datahen after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
Get your access token
You can create “account_admin” or “basic” token. The difference between the two is an “account_admin” token can create other access tokens, whereas basic account could not.
Set environment variable of your access token
$ export DATAHEN_TOKEN=<your_token_Here>
Now you’re ready to go.
Create the scraper
In this step we will create a scraper on DataHen, by specifying the scraper name, and the git repository where the scraper script comes from:
$ hen scraper create walmart-movies --workers 1 --browsers 1
"name": "walmart-movies",
"id": 54,
"account_id": 1,
"force_fetch": false,
"freshness_type": "any",
"created_at": "2019-03-12T10:28:22.037768Z",
"git_repository": "",
"git_branch": "master",
"deployed_git_repository": "",
"deployed_git_branch": "master",
"deployed_commit_hash": "e7d77d7622e7b71c32300eafd2d44a8429142fe3",
"deployed_at": "2019-03-12T10:28:22.037768Z",
"worker_count": 1,
"config": {
"parsers": [
"file": "./parsers/part.rb",
"page_type": "part"
"seeder": {
"file": "./seeder/seeder.rb"
Let’s see if your scraper has been created. Let’s look at the list of scrapers that you have now:
$ hen scraper list
"name": "ebay",
"id": 20,
"account_id": 1,
"force_fetch": false,
"freshness_type": "any",
"created_at": "2018-11-26T22:00:43.007755Z",
"git_repository": "",
"git_branch": "master",
"deployed_git_repository": "",
"deployed_git_branch": "master",
"deployed_commit_hash": "7bd6091d97a17cf8ee769e00ac285123c41aaf4f",
"deployed_at": "2018-11-28T06:13:56.571052Z",
"worker_count": 1,
Or if you’d like to see your specific scraper, you can do:
$ hen scraper show walmart-movies
"name": "walmart-movies",
"id": 18,
"account_id": 1,
"force_fetch": false,
"freshness_type": "any",
"created_at": "2019-03-12T10:28:22.037768Z",
"git_repository": "",
"git_branch": "master",
"deployed_git_repository": "",
Now that we have created the scraper, we need to deploy.
Deploying the scraper
Once we have created the scraper, let’s deploy it from the git repo that you have specified.
$ hen scraper deploy walmart-movies
Deploying scraper. This may take a while...
"id": 135,
"scraper_id": 18,
"commit_hash": "e7d77d7622e7b71c32300eafd2d44a8429142fe3",
"git_repository": "",
"git_branch": "master",
"errors": null,
"success": true,
"created_at": "2019-03-12T10:48:22.037768Z",
"config": {
"parsers": [
"file": "./parsers/part.rb",
"page_type": "part"
"seeder": {
"file": "./seeder/seeder.rb"
Let’s see if the list of deployments, if you’re curious to know your deployment history.
$ hen scraper deployment list walmart-movies
"id": 135,
"scraper_id": 18,
"commit_hash": "e7d77d7622e7b71c32300eafd2d44a8429142fe3",
"git_repository": "",
"git_branch": "master",
Run the scraper
Now that the scraper codes has been deployed, let’s run it.
$ hen scraper start walmart-movies
Starting a scrape job...
"id": 135,
"scraper_id": 18,
"created_at": "2019-03-12T10:52:22.037768Z",
"freshness": null,
"force_fetch": false,
"status": "active",
"seeding_at": null,
"seeding_failed_at": null,
"seeded_at": null,
"seeding_try_count": 0,
"seeding_fail_count": 0,
"seeding_error_count": 0,
"worker_count": 1
This will now then create a scraping job, which will start fetching pages for you, and parsing them into the outputs.
You can also see all jobs that was created on the scraper.
$ hen scraper job list walmart-movies
"id": 135,
"scraper_name": "walmart-movies",
"scraper_id": 18,
"created_at": "2019-03-12T10:48:22.037768Z",
To view the current job on the scraper.
$ hen scraper job show walmart-movies
"id": 135,
"scraper_name": "walmart-movies",
"scraper_id": 18,
"created_at": "2019-03-12T10:48:22.037768Z",
Viewing the Job Stats
While the job is running, let’s look how the job is doing by looking at the stats. You’ll first need to get the ID form the job list command above.
$ hen scraper stats walmart-movies
"scraper_name": "walmart-movies",
"job_id": 135,
"job_status": "active",
"seeding_status": "done",
"finisher_status": "missing",
"pages": 822,
"to_fetch": 0,
"fetching": 0
"fetching_failed": 0,
"fetching_dequeue_failed": 0,
"fetched": 822,
"fetched_from_web": 0,
"fetched_from_cache": 822,
"to_parse": 822,
"parsing_started": 0,
"parsing": 0,
"parsing_failed": 0,
"parsing_dequeue_failed": 0,
"parsed": 0,
"limbo": 0,
"outputs": 0,
"output_collections": 0,
"standard_workers": 1,
"browser_workers": 0,
"time_stamp": "2019-03-12T10:48:22.037768Z"
Viewing the Job Pages
Let’s see the pages that has been added by the seeder script into this job.
$ hen scraper page list walmart-movies
"gid": "", # Global ID
"job_id": 135,
"page_type": "listings",
"method": "GET",
"url": "",
"effective_url": "",
"headers": "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36",
Viewing a Job Page Content
Now that you’ve seen the pages that has been added into this job, let’s see the content of the page for a specific job by copying and pasting a page’s GID(Global ID) into the following command.
$ hen scraper page content walmart-movies
Preview content url: ""
To see a failed page content for a specific job by copying and pasting a page’s GID(Global ID) into the following command.
$ hen scraper page failedcontent walmart-movies
Preview content url: ""
Viewing a Global Page Content
You may be wondering what is a Global Page. A Global Page acts like a shared-cache that DataHen fetches for all their users as they perform scraping. This shared-cache allows every users to collectively benefit from lower cost and higher performance of extracting data from the Internet.
Now that you’ve seen the pages that has been added into this job, let’s see the content of the page by copying and pasting a page’s GID(Global ID) into the following command.
$ hen globalpage content
Preview content url: ""
View the scraper output
Job Outputs are stored in collections. If none is specified, it will be stored in the “default” collection. Let’s view the outputs of a scraper job by first seeing what collections the scraper outputs to:
$ hen scraper output collection walmart-movies
"collection": "products",
"count": 72
In the result of the command line above, you will see the collection called “products.” Let’s look at the outputs inside the “products” collection:
$ hen scraper output list walmart-movies --collection products
"_collection": "products",
"_created_at": "2019-03-12T10:50:44.037768Z",
"_gid": "",
"_id": "3de2e6b6e16749879f7e9bdd1ea3f0fc",
"_job_id": 1341,
"categories": [
"Movies & TV Shows",
"All Documentaries"
"current_price": 21.89,
"img_url": "",
"original_price": null,
"publisher": "Kino Lorber",
"rating": null,
"reviews_count": 0,
"title": "International Sweethearts of Rhythm (DVD)",
"walmart_number": "572439718"
View the scraper logs
If there is an error that occured it will be shown in the job log. Let’s see what’s in the log.
$ hen scraper log walmart-movies
You can view the log of what happens.
Congratulations! You’ve created and ran your first scraper.
Let’s now cleanup from this Getting Started section by canceling that running job.
$ hen scraper job cancel walmart-movies
"id": 135,
"scraper_name": "walmart-movies",
"scraper_id": 18,
"created_at": "2019-03-12T10:48:22.058468Z",
"freshness": null,
"force_fetch": false,
"status": "cancelled",
"seeding_at": "2019-03-12T10:49:42.035968Z",
"seeding_failed_at": null,
"seeded_at": "2019-03-12T10:50:23.057768Z",
"seeding_try_count": 1,
"seeding_fail_count": 0,
"seeding_error_count": 0,
"worker_count": 1
You’re now done with the Getting Started section. Next steps are to read the high level concepts, and do the tutorials.